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Trump’s VP must be an outsider

Lots of speculation over President Donald Trump’s VP choice.  Whoever Mr. Trump picks, it must be a Washington D.C. outsider.

Why must Trump bring in someone independent of the Washington establishment?  Something taints people after spending enough time in D.C. Even those considered strong conservatives should be viewed with a jaded eye.

Pundits are pushing Congresswoman Elise Stefanik or Senator Tim Scott as solid VP choices. I disagree wholeheartedly.

Rep. Elise Stefanik

While a principled legislator and a defender of President Trump during the Russia – Russia hoax, Stefanik is a member of Congress. This means she makes her living compromising for the best legislation.  After all, isn’t that the nature of politics: giving something to get something? 

Senator Tim Scott

The same goes for Senator Scott. He seems to be a decent guy, and has defended Trump on numerous occasions, but despite his Christian-conservative bona fides, he’s still an insider.

Yes, I understand the executive branch has to sometimes compromise with the House and Senate. And yes, I understand sometimes “inside baseball “knowledge is needed to get things done.


In the times we are living, any compromise with Congress must mean them coming to the people’s side, as represented by Trump, rather than the other way around. This means Washington insiders are the last thing needed due to their exposure to the D.C. virus.  

What is the D.C. virus?   I call it a contagion that taints politicians’ view of the people, weakens their spines, and grafts them into the hive mentality of doublespeak, fence-sitting and taking “principled” stands only when election time rolls around. 

Because of this virus, every soundbite or vote a legislator makes becomes a political calculation. Standing strong on a matter usually comes after wetting that finger and figuring out which way the political winds are blowing. Are there exceptions to this? Of course, and I think Ms. Stefanik is probably one of those exceptions; perhaps even more so than Mr. Scott, in my humble opinion. 


Non-politicians must step up to fix Washington: ordinary men and women who view the current system with disgust and believe the needs of the American people ( not lobbyists) should take prominence in every piece of legislation. 

Key traits needed? They must be unflappable independent thinkers.

This must apply to those running for congressional office and for Trump’s Vice President choice. When it comes to the VP, only one person fits this description: Dr. Ben Carson.   

Dr. Ben Carson

Carson is not a politician, but a former neurosurgeon.  Why is this important?  Neurosurgeons are at the top-tier of the surgical hierarchy.  

Neurosurgeons perform precise and delicate procedures involving the brain and the spinal cord. We’re talking high stakes with the risk of maximum harm.  If you compare surgeons to military special forces, then neurosurgeons are the Navy Seals of the medical profession.

With this in mind, consider that Carson was the best-of-the-best of neurosurgeons.  At 33 years old, Carson was the youngest head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He gained national attention in 1987 when he and his team performed the first separation of infant conjoined twins. You can read about that here and here.

If that’s not enough to prove Carson is no empty suit, consider his life story: parents divorcing when he was young, growing up in a single parent home, living in poverty, having a violent temper and thought of as dumb by elementary school classmates.  He was blessed to have a strong mother who taught him and his brother the value of reading.  His Christian faith overcame his past, making him the brilliant surgeon and walk-the walk conservative he is today.

What sets Carson apart is his fearlessness to speak truths no matter who is offended. This was on full display during his 2013 National Prayer Breakfast speech with President Barack Obama in attendance.  Carson’s speech stood out because it was antithetical to Obama’s divisive policies of fundamentally transforming America.

Making America great again means looking to the talents, wisdom, humility and patriotism of successful Americans. These are the people we need in political office, not professional politicians.

As Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in Trump’s last administration, Carson got an up-close and personal of D.C. dealings. Some may say that makes him an insider.

No way. 

Although Carson headed HUD, he didn’t have to worry about re-election or towing the party line. He made executive decisions, independent of legislative bodies.

 Trump needs a loyal wingman who could later take the baton as his successor and pass it along responsibly.  Carson most certainly fits the bill for Trump’s VP choice. 


This article was originally published at the American Thinker.

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SCOTUS to hear Colorado case to remove Trump from ballot

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) agreed on Friday to take up the Colorado case to remove President Donald Trump off the ballot due to the 14th Amendment. The court’s decision will have lasting ramifications in future efforts by the Democrats to keep the 45th President off of other state ballots.

The Colorado Supreme Court ‘removed’ Trump from the ballot in December for ‘inciting’ the January 6 ‘insurrection’ under the 14th Amendment.  Critics of the Colorado court say the ruling is nothing more than election interference since Trump was never convicted for insurrection. More on that later.

Here is what insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment explicitly states:

Section 3.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

As you can see from the language, the 14th Amendment applies to congresspersons, officers of the United States government, state assemblypersons, governors or judges.  Nowhere is the President mentioned. Legal scholars say the 14th Amendment does not apply to the President because he is not an officer of the government and, in this case, was never found guilty of insurrection for the January 6 protest /riot.

If Trump was never found liable for inciting insurrection, then the legal basis from removing him from the ballot is questionable. You can’t penalize someone for an accusation without a conviction as Colorado, and later, Maine did. That makes a mockery of the law.

Arguments to SCOTUS will start on February 8 with a ruling following. Trump remains on both ballots pending litigation, in the meantime.

Please note the Colorado ruling was without teeth, playing both sides by allowing Trump back on the ballot as soon as he appealed to the Supreme Court.  See this brilliant analysis by Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse.

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The Christian dilemma with partisan politics

By all means, God-fearing Christians must engage in politics. However the Christian dilemma with partisan politics is making sure not to view morality through strictly a Democrat or Republican lens.

Godly morality is what it is. There is no nuance or compromise on right and wrong or good versus evil.

The temptation for Christians with partisan politics is rationalizing immorality under the guise of compassion and love. When this happens God’s word and church doctrine risk subversion.

Politics and politicians are seductive due to the power and change that can occur. Anyone, including Christians, can fall under the siren call of a popular politician or policy.

Keep in mind most politicians are secular men and women and many of them believe they are doing good. Without God, however, this virtue at its best only reflects the values and morals of a sinful world.

Abortion is called a fundamental woman’s right, but conflicts with the Sixth Commandment. Gay marriage violates God’s creation of marriage between one man and woman. Transgenderism makes mockery of God’s creation of the two sexes, man and woman(Genesis 5:2, Genesis 2:21-22).

These issues are in the forefront of the news and evoke much controversy and passion. They are also three examples of the cornerstone of Democrat policy.

It’s amazing that Democrat platforms either call for the destruction of societal norms or create division, as in the case of stirring up racial strife and woke politics.

What’s the Republican reaction to these policies? The average Christian conservative sees the harm and calls for the Republican Party to resist and overturn these harmful policies and the legislation associated with them.

The Republican leadership, however, doesn’t want to be bothered unless its for fundraising or re-election. Sure they talk a great game during their re-election campaigns , but once back in office they, for the most part, ignore the harm done to the country. Instead the Republican leadership focuses its contempt at conservative constituents , rather than the Democrats.

To say the political parties have changed in the last 60 years is an understatement. They’ve become a UniParty, protecting the party interests and united in their hatred for their constituents.


Both parties are are two sides of the same coin, with their respective roles to play. The Dems? They’ve become the de-facto determiner of morality in America. The Repubs? They’re controlled opposition.

What is controlled opposition? Republicans who pontificate conservative buzz words on camera, but provide little, if any, pushback against the leftist agenda.

However ,when the UniParty unites in participation in foreign wars,God-fearing Christians and conservatives must be especially wary. They must discern whether such calls are to truly protect the American people , a political distraction or a benefit for the military industrial complex .

Sad to say, but everyone must question politicians’ calls to protect Democracy in other countries while ignoring the dire state of affairs in the United States. We are a nation in decline precisely because of our past ignorance regarding the machinations of corrupt politicians and dangerous ideologies.

Have you been guilty in the past of wedding yourself to political passions over God’s perspectives? I confess falling for that seduction in the past. Hey, we’re all vulnerable.

Partisan politics becomes a dilemma for the Christian when he or she subordinates God to emotion and fickle cultural passions. Christians should participate in the political process, but must, through prayer and study, measure every policy against the Word of God . We must exercise, from now on, Godly discernment.